
Letter of Commitment

Dear Rottweiler Friends,

The Board has taken the time since the Meeting of Delegates dd. 18.09.2019 to well prepare its further activity.

Those who have read the minutes of the Meeting in Wohlen in 2018, have read that not all Member Clubs fullfil all constitutional obligations nor answer every request for cooperation, even knowing that the latter implies the risk that IFR-Membership can be terminated because of this.


Part of the decisions by the Meeting of Delegates dd. 18.09.2019 was giving the mandate to the Board to 

  • draft a Letter of Commitment that all Member Clubs have to accept and sign and that concerns a commitment to fulfil all constitutional obligations (cfr. art. 2.1 of the IFR Constitution).
  • to found a committee to evaluate all existing regulations and tests and to advise the Board and the next MOD on the conformity of these regulations and tests to the conditions for Membership.      This committee will not only be asked to examine and analyse all existing regulations and then to synthesize and report its findings and conclusions but also to ensure itself of the actual implementation of those regulations and tests.    I will personally be a member of the committee but it will be lead and supervised by Mr. C. Henriksen (Denmark).     

All Member Clubs have now received a draft of a Letter of Commitment with the request to complete it and return it to the Board before the end of januari 2020.     The commitment that is requested concerns the constitutional conditions for membership and such commitment is therefore essential, for the IFR but above all for the future of our beloved Rottweiler.

All Member Clubs have also been asked for possible suggestions of people from their club that they would like to be a member of the before mentionned committee.  This will demand for experience and knowledge of the breed, in particular in the judging of Breed Suitability Tests but also for the will to work hard and in team. 

I hope - and insist - that all Member Clubs will quickly reply so our work can go on.      FACTA ... NON VERBA !!!

With friendly greetings,

D. Vandecasteele
