.....Huge loss for Rottweiler world
On the death of Dirk Vandecasteele, a man whom we all owe very much
by Peter Friedrich
We are deeply saddened to inform the friends of the Rottweiler that Dirk Vandecasteele passed away on 14 December after a long and serious illness. Dirk Vandecasteele always worked in an exemplary manner and with great effect for the positive and reasonable development of the Rottweiler. He was the president of the International Federation of Rottweiler Friends and breeding judge for many years. Constructive teamwork was always a matter of course for him, from which we all benefited. His priorities as far as the Rottweiler was concerned were clear and exemplary. Health, longevity, impeccable social behaviour and pronounced working dog characteristics were always the fundamental components of the breed type for him. He actively and tirelessly counteracted any form of exaggeration in the interpretation of the breed type. I am sure I am speaking on behalf of everyone who cares about the Rottweiler in its role as a partner to humans when I say that Dirk deserves the greatest recognition. It is very, very sad to have to carry on without him. We will not only honour Dirk Vandecasteele's memory, but will also continue to see him and his actions as an incentive and obligation to work for the welfare of the Rottweiler in the same way as he did.
Funeral for only close family
The place for condolences www.mabar.be