Results IFR World Championships IFH I II and IGP III 2021
- IFH I World Champion : Jiri Reizenthaler (Czech Rep.) & Catness Ginger Taffy.
- IFH II World Champion : Nadia Schuler (Switzerland) & Ebay vom Wildersteiner Schloss.
- IGP III World Champions team Competition :
- Czech Republik
- Germany
- Slovakia.
- IGP III World Championships individual competition (in alphabetic order) :
1° Procházka Hynek & Say Holubi dum (Czech Rep.)
1° Seirer Erich & Donner vom Illergries (Germany)
Both World Champions obtained exactly the same results, so with reference to the regulations for the organization of the FCI World Championship for Utility Dogs, they deserve and share the first place and the title.
Second and third place in the individual competition were awarded to :
2. Fialová Pavlina & Funny Falko Bonnapo
3. Oliver Neubrand & Goran vom Fuhrenblick
To dowload (PDF) the full results, follow the links : IFH I IFH II IGP III Team results IGP III Individual results
Cfr also :
Judges :
- IFH : Géza Nagy (H)
- IGP III : A : Árpád Halász (H) B : Miran Mars (Slo) C : Prof. Peter Friedrich (D)