On 16 May 1969 representatives of the Rottweiler Clubs from Germany, Denmark, England, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA got together to form an organization which goals are to promote the Rottweiler breed on an international level.
This organization is called the International Federation of Rottweiler Friends (IFR).The tasks and objectives are summarized in a convention.
On the occasion of the IFR Congress in ESPOO, Finland, this Convention was revised on 7 June 1988.Experience and carefulness were the reason to revise the Convention at the IFR Congress on 24 August 1995 in Ruck, Austria and again at the IFR Congress in Mexico-City on 06-07.07.2006, in Diest (Belgium) on 21.05.2009 and on 14.05.2015 in Roudnice nad Labem (Czech Republik), 04.05.2017 in Serbia (Kragujevac), 18.09.2019 in Denmark (Odense) and 13.10.2021 in Hungary (Jakabszallas).
Click to read the IFR Constitution
Click to read the CooperationAgreement between IFR and the FCI (.PDF)
Click to read the IFR regulations on the Minimum age for breeding- mandatory for IFR Memberclubs.
Recommendtions of the IFR on selection criteria membership
Click to read the confirmation by the FCI that national kennel clubs are free to mention IFR-titles on pedigrees.
Links to the regulations on the organisation of IFR-events :
- Regulations for IFR World championship I.G.P.
- Regulations for IFR World Championship I FH
- Reguliations for IFR World Show and IFR Regional Shows
Click to read the minutes of the IFR-Meeting in Wohlen.
On 07 and 08 July 2018, the IFR organized a meeting in Wohlen (Switzerland) to discuss the minimal criteria that should be part all breeding regulations and breed suitability tests if we want to achieve homogeneity in the breeding and keeping of the Rottweiler and ensure both the breed's physical and mental conformation and it's physical and genetic health, the latter incl a sufficient degree of genetic diversity. The minutes of the meeting can be found by following the link.
The following is not an IFR-regulation. It is a draft that was presented at the Meeting of Delegates in 2017 to illustrate what the outlines and content of a Test of Social Behaviour might be and was especially meant as an example for those Clubs that do not yet know and/or organize such tests themselves : "an example of an Assessment of Social Behaviour."